Filling and Stroking Characters. InDesign can fill or stroke text as it can any other path. Once you’ve selected text, you can set the fill color, stroke color, stroke weight, stroke type, and stroke alignment (see Figure 4-28).The Control panel includes Fill and Stroke boxes for easy color swatch selection. Free Trial Buy Now Object styles. InDesign User Guide. Object styles include settings for stroke, color, transparency, drop shadows, paragraph styles, text wrap, and more. You can assign different transparency effects for the object, fill, stroke, and text. In addition to object styles themselves, InDesign imports any swatches. After designing your Stroke, click OK, and from the list of Strokes in Stroke Styles window, select your new design from the list and click the Save button. Name the file, locate a folder to which you’d like to save it, and click Save again. Create stroke styles From the course: InDesign: Advanced Styles. Generate a table of contents, and map Word styles to InDesign styles. Plus, he shares how to apply styles with Find/Change.
Justas you use paragraph and character styles to quickly format text,you can use object styles to quickly format graphicsand frames. Object styles include settings for stroke, color, transparency,drop shadows, paragraph styles, text wrap, and more. You can assigndifferent transparency effects for the object, fill, stroke, and text.
You can apply object styles to objects, groups, and frames (includingtext frames). A style can either clear and replace all object settingsor it can replace only specific settings, leaving other settingsunchanged. You control which settings the style affects by includingor excluding a category of settings in the definition.
You canalso apply object styles to frame grids. By default, any frame gridyou create uses the [Basic Grid] object style. You can edit the[Basic Grid] style or you can apply other object styles to the grid.When you create or edit an object style for a frame grid, use theStory Options section to specify writing direction, frame type,and named grid.
When creating styles, you might find that several styles share some of the same characteristics. Rather than setting those characteristics each time you define the next style, you can base one object style on another. When you change the base style, any shared attributes that appear in the “parent” style change in the “child” style as well.
Use the Object Styles panel to create,edit, and apply object styles. For each new document, the panelinitially lists a default set of object styles. Object styles aresaved with a document and display in the panel each time you openthat document. The Text Frame icon marksthe default style for text frames; the Graphics Frame icon marksthe default style for graphics frames and drawn shapes.
Use theObject Styles panel to create, name, and apply object styles. Foreach new document, the panel initially lists a default set of objectstyles. Object styles are saved with a document and display in thepanel each time you open that document. The Text Frame icon marksthe default style for text frames; the Graphics Frame icon marksthe default style for graphic frames; the Grid icon marksthe default style for frame grids.
- Select Small Panel Rows fromthe panel menu to display a more condensed version of the objectstyles.
- Drag the object style to a different position. When ablack line appears in the desired position, release the mouse button.
- Select Sort By Name from the panelmenu to list the object styles in alphabetical order.
Youcan define a style based on the settings you’ve already appliedto an object, or you can create a style from scratch or based onanother style.
- Select the object or text frame that uses thesettings you want the object style to include.
- Choose New Object Style from the Object Styles panelmenu, or Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) theCreate New Style button.
- In the New Object Style dialog box, type a name for thestyle.
- To base the style on another style, choose a style forBased On.
The Based On option lets you link styles to each other,so that changes in one style ripple through the styles that arebased on it. If you make changes to the formatting of a child styleand decide you want to start over, click Reset To Base. That restoresthe child style’s formatting to be identical to the style on whichit’s based.
- To add a keyboard shortcut, position the insertion pointin the Shortcut box, and make sure Num Lock is turned on. Then holddown any combination of Shift, Alt, and Ctrl (Windows) or Shift,Option, and Command (Mac OS), and press a number on thenumeric keypad. You cannot use letters or non-keypad numbers fordefining style shortcuts.
- Under Basic Attributes, select any additional categoriesthat contain options you want to define, and set the options asdesired. Click the check box to the left of each category to indicatewhether it should be included or ignored in the style.
Usethe Story Options category to specify the writing direction, frametype, and named grid of a grid object style. The named grid storesframe grid settings that can be applied to any frame grid.
- To apply effects, choose an option in Effects For (Object,Stroke, Fill, or Text), and then select categories of effects andspecify their settings. You can specify different effects for eachcategory. Indicate which Effects categories should be turned on,turned off, or ignored in the style.
- Under Export Options, select an option and specify exportparameters for the option. You can define Alt text for placed imagesand graphics. For tagged PDFs, you can apply tags and actual textsettings. For HTML and EPUB layouts, you can specify different conversionsettings on each object so that they render well on different screensizes and pixel densities.
Object export options are used to specify exportparameters required when you export to different formats such asEPUB, HTML, or accessible PDFs. Object export options are appliedto both text frames and graphic frames, as well as groups. See Objectexport options.
Ifyou want the style to apply only certain attributes, leaving anyother settings untouched, make sure that the categories you wantthe style to control are in the appropriate state. You can use anyof three states for each category: turned on, turned off, or ignored.For example, checking the Drop Shadow box will include drop shadowformatting in the object style. Deselecting the Drop Shadow box willindicate that drop shadow is turned off as part of the style — anydrop shadow applied to an object appears as an override. Settingthe Drop Shadow box to “ignore” (a small box in Windows or a hyphenin Mac OS) will leave drop shadow out of the style, soany drop shadow applied to the style does not appear as an override.
A. Turned on B. Ignored C. Turnedoff
Categoriesin which the settings can be turned on or off individually, suchas Fill, Stroke, and Transparency, have only two states. They caneither be turned on or ignored.
The Paragraph Styles categoryis ignored by default, even if you’re creating a text frame. Thiscategory is applicable only if the object is an unthreaded textframe.
If you apply an object style to a group ofobjects, the object style is applied to each object in the group.To apply an object style to a group of objects, nest the objectswithin a frame. (The Edit > Paste Into command is one way topaste an object into a frame.)
- Click an object style in the Control panel or the ObjectStyles panel to apply a style.
If you choose Clear Overrides When Applying Style fromthe Object Styles panel, clicking an object style clears overridesby default. If this option is not selected, you can Alt-click (Windows)or Option-click (Mac OS) the object style to clear overrideswhile applying the style.
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You can also dragan object style onto an object to apply the style without first selectingthe object.
If a group is selected when you apply an objectstyle, the style is applied to each object in the group.
Onceyou apply a style, you can apply other settings to the object asneeded. Although you may override a setting defined in the style,you do not lose the connection to the style.
For each new document, the ObjectStyles panel lists a default set of object styles. Whenever youcreate an object, an object style is applied to it. By default,if you create a text frame, the [Basic Text Frame] object styleis applied. If you draw a path or shape, the [Basic Graphics Frame]object style is applied. If you place an image or draw a placeholdershape that has an X in it, the [None] object style is applied. Youcan select a different object style to use as the default for textframes and graphics frames.
For each new document, the ObjectStyles panel lists a default set of object styles. Whenever youcreate an object, an object style is applied to it. By default,if you create a text frame, the [Basic Text Frame] object styleis applied. If you place an image or draw a path or shape, the [BasicGraphics Frame] object style is applied. If you create a frame grid,the [Basic Grid] object style is applied. If you draw a placeholdershape that has an X in it, the [None] object style is applied. Youcan select a different object style to use as the default for eachof these object types.
- To change the default style for a textframe, choose Default Text Frame Style from the Object Styles panelmenu, and then select the object style.
- To change the default style for a graphics frame, chooseDefault Graphics Frame Style from the Object Styles panel menu,and then select the object style.
- Graphic placeholder frames (with an X in them), alwaysuse the [None] style as default. You cannot specify an object styleas default.
- To change the default style for a grid frame, choose DefaultGrid Style from the Object Styles panel menu, and then select theobject style.
- To change the default style for any object type, dragthe icon that marks the default object type from one object styleto another.
If youselect an object style when no frame is selected, that object stylebecomes the new default object style for text or graphics, depending onwhich tool is selected in the toolbox.
If youselect an object style when no frame is selected, that object stylebecomes the new default object style for text, graphics, or gridframes, depending on which tool is selected in the toolbox.
Genie scissor lift serial number location. Youcan edit the [Basic] styles, but you cannot delete them.
When formatting is applied to an object thatdiffers from part of the style definition applied to that object,it is called an override. When you select an objectwith an override, a plus sign (+) appears next to the stylename.
Use the Clear Overrides command to override any formattingthat is either turned on or off in the object style; use the ClearAttributes Not Defined By Style to clear ignored attributes.
- In the Object Styles panel, click the Clear Overridesbutton at thebottom of the Object Styles panel.
An override is displayed only if the applied attributeis part of the style.
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You may want to remove attributes from anobject, even if those attributes are ignored in a style. For example,if the Fill category is ignored in an object style and you applya red fill to a frame to which the object style is applied, choosingClear Attributes Not Defined By Style removes the red fill.
Ifan object style category is turned off (unchecked) rather than ignored,use the Clear Overrides command to override the style.
- Select an object or group that you want to change.
- In the Object Styles panel, click the Clear AttributesNot Defined By Style button atthe bottom of the Object Styles panel.
You can break the link between an objectand the style applied to it. The object will retain the same attributes,but will no longer change if the style is changed.
- Select the object that has the object style appliedto it.
- Choose Break Link To Style from the Object Styles panelmenu.
If you don’t want to retain the formatting of the objectstyle, choose [None] in the Object Styles panel.
- Makesure no objects are currently selected so that a style isn’t mistakenly applied.
- In the Object Styles panel, double-click the object styleyou want to rename.
- In the Object Style Options dialog box, type a new namefor the style, and click OK.
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You can also edit an object styledirectly in the panel. Click the style, pause, and then click againto edit the style name.
If you don’t want the style to be appliedto the selected frame or set as the default, right-click (Windows)or Control-click (Mac OS) the style name in the ObjectStyles panel, and choose Edit [style name].
In the Object Styles panel, double-click the stylename, or select the style and choose Style Options in the Stylespanel menu. Note that this applies the style to any selected objector sets it as the default object type.
- In the Object Style Options dialog box, select the categorythat contains the options you want to change, and change the desiredsettings.
- Determine whether object style categories are turnedon, turned off, or ignored.
- Inthe Object Styles panel, select an object style.
- Choose Delete Style from the panel menu or drag the styleto the Delete icon at the bottom of the Object Styles panel.
- If you delete a style that is applied to objects or onwhich other styles are based, you will be prompted to specify areplacement style in the Delete Object Style dialog box. Do oneof the following:
To restyle objects that currently use thedeleted style, choose the style you want to apply to the objectsand click OK.
To leave objects unchanged, choose [None], makesure Preserve Formatting is checked, and click OK. Anyobjects that use the deleted style retain the same attributes, butare no longer associated with a style.
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To remove all attribute settings you’ve applied,choose [None], deselect Preserve Formatting, and click OK.
To delete all styles not applied to objects, chooseSelectAll Unused from the Object Styles panel menu, and thenclick the Delete icon.
Afteryou apply an object style, you can override any of its settings.If you decide you like the changes you made to a particular object,you can redefine the style so that it matches the formatting ofthe object you changed. Be aware that the Redefine Object Stylecommand redefines only categories that are turned on or turned off,but not categories that are ignored. If the object includes additional settings,you’ll need to add those settings separately to the style, or simplycreate a new object style.
- Select an object that is using the style you wantto change.
- In the Object Styles panel, choose Redefine Style fromthe Object Styles panel menu.
The object style definition changes to match the overridesettings you applied. All occurrences of the object style in thedocument are updated to use the new settings.
If the RedefineObject Style option is not available, the attributes you set arenot part of the object style definition. To change the style definitiondirectly, choose Object Style Options instead, or create a new stylefrom the object.
You can import styles from other documents.In addition to object styles themselves, InDesign imports any swatches,custom strokes, character styles, or paragraph styles that are usedin the styles. If a swatch, stroke, or paragraph style that youimport has the same name but different values than an existing swatch orstyle, InDesign renames it.
If the object styles you importinclude named grids, these grids are also imported.
- Select Load Object Styles from the Object Stylespanel menu.
- Select the file from which you want to import objectstyles, and click Open.
- In the Load Styles dialog box, make sure that a checkmark appears next to the styles you want to import. If there isa style name conflict, choose one of the following options underConflict With Existing Style, and then click OK:
Overwrites the existing style with the loaded style andapplies its new attributes to all objects in the current documentthat used the old style. The definitions of the incoming and existingstyles are displayed at the bottom of the Load Styles dialog boxso that you can view a comparison.
Renames the loaded style.
The object styles appear in the Object Styles panel.
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